Celestial. Purpose. Fate.
When one stargazes they find beauty lies beyond our world, when The Vek stargaze they find fate lies beyond our time. Star maps, numerology and prophecy are integral parts of each Vek's life. Great leaders read the heavens for how wars will go, which empires will rise and fall, and the Vek often ask themselves "are we too late?"
The Vek Orcs are not traditional stereotypical Orcs, instead they are more goblinesque in appearance and have a contorted stature. The Vek are roughly the size of the humans when standing upright, but their contorted stances bring their silhouette down to roughly the height of the Dünir.
The real-world cultural influence for the Vek is a Meso-American influence.
Racial Bonuses
While not officially confirmed, due to the Vek's affinity for astrology, one of their racial abilities may include navigation on the open seas.